
Newsom’s Nosy Nonsense Paves Path for Population Plunge!

The liberal loony leftists just can’t seem to keep their noses out of other people’s business and Governor Gavin Newsom is the poster child for this annoying habit. He’s been on a tear, taking cheap shots at well-governed, Republican-led states across the country, all in a transparent bid to get attention from his party’s national base. The guy is obviously power-hungry, with his sights set on the presidency – maybe even as soon as 2028. 

Newsom often sets his sights on Florida and its governor, Ron DeSantis, who flat out schooled Newsom in a nationally-televised debate last November. DeSantis absolutely wiped the floor with him, showcasing the vastly different outcomes of their respective governance. I mean, it’s not even a contest when you look at the hard evidence. California has been hemorrhaging residents for three years straight, a trend the state had never before seen. They’re bleeding people so badly, they even lost a Congressional seat because of it. On the flip side, Florida’s been thriving, experiencing a population boom like nobody’s business.

To add insult to injury, U-Haul’s own data reveals that they ran out of trucks in California because so many people were fleeing the sinking ship. It’s like musical chairs but with U-Haul trucks, and it’s not a good look for Newsom. The latest U-Haul numbers only confirm what we already know – Florida and Texas are topping the charts for inbound migration, with red states making up the majority of the top spots. On the other hand, California is unfortunately vying for the title of “biggest loser” in the migration game, just behind other failed, liberal states like New York, Illinois, and Massachusetts. 

The South is now driving the economic momentum in the US, supplanting the Northeast as the big dog on the block. That’s right, all those failed, blue states are losing their grip on prosperity, while the Southeast is raking it in. Even Bloomberg and Business Insider are sounding the alarm, declaring that the South is where the action is at. It’s time for the liberal strongholds to wake up and smell the roses, but instead, they’re busy micromanaging toy aisles and driving businesses into the ground with laughable minimum wage laws. 

California might need to bulk up its outbound truck fleet again because it looks like the exodus isn’t slowing down anytime soon. Newsom might want to rethink his strategy before he’s left with a ghost town and a bunch of U-Hauls gathering dust.

Written by Staff Reports

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