
Newsom’s Wife Rescues Him From DeSantis’ “Poop Map” Smackdown

In a no-holds-barred showdown on Thursday night, things got heated during the red state vs. blue state debate. The wife of California’s Governor Gavin Newsom had to step in and save her husband from Republican contender Ron DeSantis, who delivered a devastating blow by presenting a “poop map” of San Francisco. Yikes! The tension was so thick, you could cut it with a knife!

The 90-minute back-and-forth was about to head into overtime, with both governors eager to keep the sparring going. But wait, there’s more! Fox News host Sean Hannity was all set to keep the debate rolling, but then announced that the candidates had to leave for “other commitments.” Yeah, right. Sounds like they couldn’t handle the heat!

Behind the scenes, it was like a full-on soap opera. Jennifer Siebel Newsom, the governor’s wife, apparently barged into the debate room not once, but twice, and even took to the stage during a break to put an end to the extended face-off. Talk about a dramatic twist!

According to sources from the DeSantis camp, Newsom’s wife brought the whole thing to a screeching halt. But hold on a second, someone from Team Newsom said that both sides wanted to call it quits. Who do you believe? It’s like a game of “he said, she said”!

After the debate, Newsom’s team was quick to point fingers, with one of his spokespeople accusing Sean Hannity of trying to help out DeSantis. Classic deflection! And of course, Newsom himself had to chime in on X’s platform (you know, the one that used to be called Twitter) to say, “That was fun — I could have kept going!” Sure, Gavin, sure.

The cherry on top? The DeSantis camp claimed that the whole debate was rigged, while Newsom’s crew boasted about their victory with both hands tied behind their back. Can you believe the nerve of these folks? It’s like a never-ending game of political ping-pong!

In the end, it seems like everyone was trying to spin the narrative in their favor. But let’s face it, this debate was like watching a reality TV show. Drama, drama, drama!

Written by Staff Reports

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