
Nikki Haley Takes Down Ramaswamy Over Israel In Epic Showdown!

During an interview on Russell Brand's Rumble, presidential candidate and former Intel executive Vivek Ramaswamy said that he would stop funding Israel after the U.S. aid package for the country ends in 2028. He noted that Israel would no longer need the additional aid as it has integrated with other Middle Eastern nations.

When it came to Ramaswamy's position on Israel, presidential candidate and former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley called him out immediately. She stated that he was wrong and stressed the importance of the US' special relationship with the Jewish state. She also made it clear that if elected, she would not abandon Israel.

Tensions between the US and Israel continue to rise, with both parties opposing Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to the White House. Despite this, some Republicans, such as Kevin McCarthy, have urged Joe Biden to invite the Israeli Prime Minister to the White House.

The stance taken by Ramaswamy on Israel is at odds with the majority of Republicans, and he has previously made controversial statements on foreign policy. For instance, he stated that he would be open to allowing Russia to take over parts of Ukraine, and he also opposes the country's participation in NATO. James Stavridis, a former NATO commander, criticized his statements.

During her debate with Ramaswamy, she noted that his foreign policy proposals would make the US less safe. She also pointed out his opposition to the FBI and his plan to give Taiwan to China. The two will be able to debate these issues at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee on Wednesday.

Written by Staff Reports

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