
NJ Gov Battles Parents for Control of Kids’ Gender Narratives

Governor Phil Murphy of New Jersey recently appeared on 'Disgrace the Nation' and made absurd claims about why he is suing to allow teachers to promote gender identity confusion among children without notifying their parents. Can you imagine it? It's as if he desires that chaos and confusion rule supreme in our institutions!

First, let's address the fact that Governor Murphy appears to have a fixation on former Governor Chris Christie. In this interview, he couldn't resist taking a cheap jab at him. Perhaps he should focus on governing rather than name-calling.

But returning to the topic at hand… Governor Murphy asserts that his actions are intended to protect these children. Defend them against what? From their parents knowing what is in their best interests? It's ludicrous! Parents should always be involved in the lives and decisions of their children, particularly when it comes to something as significant as their gender identity.

An attorney for a Marlboro school board correctly pointed out that preventing a school counselor or staff member from informing a parent about their child's gender identity violates a constitutional right. Parents have the ability to direct and control their children's upbringing. It is a fundamental basic privilege that should not be violated.

Governor Murphy argues that we should be respectful and safeguard the rights of these innocent children who are just beginning to understand life. But what about the parental rights? What about their right to know about their child's condition? Murphy appears to care only about safeguarding the rights of the LGBTQIA+ community, not the rights of all involved individuals.

And let's not overlook the risks associated with transgender surgery, particularly for minors. A recent study uncovered alarming levels of post-operative distress, including sexual activity-related pain and urinary issues. This is a serious issue that requires additional study and consideration.

Governor Murphy, however, wants to allow radical activist instructors to target children and encourage them to take hormones and undergo genital mutilation without parental consent or knowledge. This is an attack on the liberties of children and parents. Against this culture conflict, we must fight.

Governor Murphy may believe he is doing the right thing, but in reality he is endangering children and undermining parental rights. It is time for him to reconsider his misguided actions and heed to the concerns of the constituents he is tasked with representing.

Written by Staff Reports

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