
NM Gov’s Gun Ban Gets Smacked Down by Both Sides!

In a bizarre display of power and disregard for the Constitution, New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham believes she is the ultimate authority on what is constitutional. When questioned about her temporary gun ban, the governor arrogantly insinuated that she alone has the sole power to determine what is or is not constitutional. Well, Governor, newsflash – you don’t get to make up the rules as you go along!

Law enforcement officials in the state’s largest county, along with the Democratic governor of New Mexico, have rightly refused to defend Lujan Grisham’s overreaching order that bans concealed or open carry of firearms in Albuquerque for a staggering 30 days. Even the CNN host, Poppy Harlow, had the courage to call out the governor, stating that the decision was “unconstitutional.” Bravo, Poppy, for standing up for the principles of our great country!

But instead of acknowledging the concerns and respecting the rule of law, Lujan Grisham brashly dismissed the opinions of those who disagree with her, claiming they have “no bold actions” and “no plans for reducing gun violence.” It’s not about their lack of action, Governor, it’s about your lack of understanding of the Constitution and the rights of law-abiding citizens.

The CNN interview continued with Harlow pressing Lujan Grisham on the constitutionality of her gun ban. But rather than giving a respectful and informed response, the governor simply replied, “Well, we’re gonna see.” Seriously? That’s your defense? We need leaders who are confident in their understanding of the Constitution, not those who rely on a “wait and see” approach.

To further muddy the waters, Lujan Grisham tried to reframe her order as a mere “pause” on firearm carrying instead of a ban. Nice try, Governor, but we see through your word games. A ban by any other name is still a ban, and it’s still a violation of our Second Amendment rights.

Unsurprisingly, Lujan Grisham’s draconian “pause” on gun ownership has faced criticism from both ends of the political spectrum. Even far-left U.S. Representative Ted Lieu and the notorious anti-gun activist David Hogg have condemned the governor’s actions. When extremists on both sides of the aisle agree that you’ve gone too far, maybe it’s time to reassess your approach.

But, in true conservative fashion, gun owners in New Mexico have defied the governor’s order and instead opted to exercise their rights by holding large open carry rallies in Albuquerque and the surrounding county. These brave patriots understand that their right to bear arms shall not be infringed, regardless of Lujan Grisham’s unconstitutional power grab.

It’s time for Governor Lujan Grisham to step back, take a deep breath, and remember that she is not the supreme arbiter of the Constitution. We need leaders who respect the rights of the people and uphold the principles upon which our great nation was founded. It’s time to put an end to this unconstitutional overreach and protect the rights of law-abiding gun owners in New Mexico.

Written by Staff Reports

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