
NSA Betrays US: Secret Woke Radicalism Exposed!

The U.S. intelligence community has been hit with a bombshell revelation about its dangerous descent into radical neomarxist ideology, and conservative watchdogs are sounding the alarm about the implications for national security. The Daily Wire has obtained leaked documents that expose the National Security Agency (NSA) as the latest target of left-wing indoctrination, mirroring the deep infiltration of the U.S. military in recent years.

The NSA, which is responsible for safeguarding America from both foreign and domestic threats, has veered off course with its newfound obsession with social justice jargon. The agency has reportedly compiled an extensive glossary of Woke terms, from “anti-racist” to gender-neutral pronouns like “ze” and “zir.”

Now, some may brush this off as petty internal politics, but the implications are more insidious. By embracing this leftist lexicon, the NSA is effectively painting anyone who doesn’t subscribe to their radical ideology as potential threats to national security. This hostility to traditional American values stifles free speech and demonizes dissenting voices as “far-right extremists” engaging in so-called “hate speech.”

The leaked 34-page document, dated May 6th, 2022, and confidential until The Daily Wire’s inquiry, lays bare the NSA’s endorsement of divisive concepts like Critical Race Theory and queer theory. The glossary delves into loaded terms like “white fragility,” “settler colonialism,” and “transmisogyny,” pushing a one-sided narrative that pits communities against each other and seeks to perpetuate division.

This brainwashing of one of America’s most powerful intelligence agencies has enraged Rep. Mike Waltz, a combat-decorated U.S. Army veteran and member of the House Intelligence Committee. He’s rightly furious that an agency entrusted with protecting our nation’s security is fixated on “ze” and “zir” while real threats loom around the world, like the recent Hamas terrorist attack on Israel that went unnoticed by the NSA. It’s a disgraceful misalignment of priorities.

The leaked glossary reads like a far-left playbook, attacking America’s founding principles, lambasting “white Europeans” for “settler colonialism,” and depicting “white privilege” as an unearned set of advantages solely based on race. These extreme ideas have no place in an agency tasked with defending the United States from real dangers.

But it doesn’t stop there. The document aggressively promotes gender ideology, trying to redirect readers away from “problematic” terms and coercing adoption of more politically correct language. It’s the kind of absurd overreach we’ve come to expect from radical leftists, but it’s beyond troubling to see it seep into our intelligence community.

To make matters worse, this disturbing embrace of radical ideology by the NSA is taking place against the backdrop of the Biden administration’s push to implement a “whole-of-government equity agenda” and expand diversity and inclusion initiatives. It’s clear that the dangerous spread of left-wing influence has extended its tentacles throughout the highest levels of the U.S. government.

The Biden administration’s politicization of our military and intelligence agencies represents a dire threat to the safety and security of the American people. The disturbing marriage of radical left-wing dogma with our nation’s most critical institutions jeopardizes our ability to effectively defend against legitimate threats, all in the name of social justice obsessions.

If unchecked, the hijacking of our intelligence agencies by left-wing ideologues will only lead to the criminalization of patriotic Americans who dare to stand up for traditional American values.

This is the type of news and analysis you can expect from conservative journalists like Kyle Becker on the “Relentless Podcast.” It’s a beacon of truth in a sea of left-wing propaganda and a crucial platform for preserving conservative values in a relentlessly politicized world.

Written by Staff Reports

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