
NY Times Slams Biden’s Cold Shoulder to Grandchild, Exposes Hypocrisy

In a surprising move, even the liberal New York Times couldn’t help but drop a brutal story rebuking Joe Biden. Maureen Dowd, a columnist for the Times, called out Biden for his treatment of his grandchild, Navy Roberts. Dowd cited a letter written by her Republican sister, Peggy, who expressed disappointment in how the Biden family has neglected Navy. It’s quite something when the liberal media starts criticizing their own, isn’t it?

Dowd’s article shed light on just how lacking in decency Hunter Biden is. In his memoir, he dismissively wrote about Navy’s mother, whom he met during his addiction and strip club visits. He even put her on his payroll as a personal assistant while she was pregnant, only to later take away her health insurance and deny paternity. What a stand-up guy Hunter is, right?

But it’s not just Hunter who’s at fault here. Dowd’s sister found it “unconscionable” that Joe Biden himself won’t acknowledge Navy as his grandchild, refuses to let her use the Biden name, and has slashed child support. The settlement Navy received only consisted of some of Hunter’s paintings, which Dowd’s sister rightfully pointed out is a lousy trade-off.

It’s hypocritical how Biden constantly talks about his son Beau, showing great sensitivity towards that subject, but won’t even acknowledge his seventh grandchild. Dowd rightfully questions how Biden can defend Hunter on all his other messes but draw the line at accepting one little girl. He can’t punish Navy for something she had no control over. It goes against everything Biden claims to stand for.

But here’s the thing: this isn’t out of sync with who Biden truly is. The caring and compassionate Biden is just an illusion manufactured for political gain. When faced with the families of the 13 soldiers killed in the Afghanistan withdrawal, Biden talked more about his son than their children and repeatedly checked his watch during the transfer ceremony. It’s clear that the real Biden is someone who disowns inconvenient truths, from Navy to the foreign dealings scandal involving Hunter.

So, let’s not be fooled by the facade of empathy and compassion that Biden tries to sell. His actions speak louder than his words, and they paint a picture of a man who’s more concerned about his own image than doing what’s right. It’s a shame that it took the liberal media to call him out on it, but hey, better late than never.

Written by Staff Reports

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