
NY Times Trembles at the Seeming Reality of Trump Triumph!

In a recent article, The New York Times has once again shown its severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. The article, written by three of the paper’s top political reporters, tries to make preposterous claims about what a second term for Donald Trump would look like. It seems that the Times is in a panic after multiple polls have shown Trump leading President Joe Biden in key swing states.

The article, titled “Why a Second Trump Presidency May Be More Radical Than His First,” starts off by quoting Trump from an interview he gave in 1989. The Times acknowledges that this quote is just a “throwaway line” from a younger Trump, but they still use it to argue that he has totalitarian tendencies.

However, the article conveniently forgets to mention all of the accomplishments of Trump’s first term. Under his leadership, there were no new wars, the Iranian government was brought to its knees, and the Islamic State group was eradicated. Trump’s “Peace through strength” strategy was highly effective in dealing with America’s authoritarian foes.

On the other hand, President Biden has been soft on dictatorial regimes, allowing them to grow in power. The Times seems to have a blind spot when it comes to Biden’s actions. They accuse Trump of wanting to use the Justice Department to “wreak vengeance” on his adversaries, but fail to acknowledge that the Biden administration has been doing just that. They launched an investigation into Trump’s 2016 campaign and are currently trying to put him away for the rest of his life.

Furthermore, the Times tries to equate the January 6th Capitol incursion with the Confederacy, but the reality is that it was not much of an insurrection at all. Most of the people there were peaceful protesters, following Trump’s exhortation to “make your voices heard.” Yet, the Biden DOJ has conducted the largest investigation in department history, arresting and charging over 1,000 protesters. This is nothing more than intimidation and persecution of political opponents.

The Times article is nothing more than Democratic propaganda fueled by Trump Derangement Syndrome. Trump’s first term was marked by freedom and opportunity, and there is no reason to believe that a second term would be any different. The Times should take a step back and evaluate their own biases before publishing such one-sided articles.

Written by Staff Reports

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