
NYC’s Crime Carnival: Illegals Freed, Cops Attacked, Dems Dither!

In a recent incident in New York City, an illegal immigrant allegedly committed additional crimes and then assaulted two police officers, all on camera. But wait, it gets worse: nearly all of the assailants were released without bail, thanks to New York’s so-called “progressive” bail reform laws. It’s like a free pass for breaking the law! And to top it all off, because of New York’s “sanctuary” laws, there’s virtually no chance any of these offenders will be deported. Can you believe it?

This is exactly the kind of chaos and lawlessness that the radical Left’s policies are fueling. The smug attitude of the alleged criminal in the video leaving the courthouse, giving the cameras the middle finger, perfectly captures the Left’s arrogance when it comes to illegal immigration and crime. And to add insult to injury, it’s “progressive” Democrats who created this mess in the first place. It’s a real slap in the face to law-abiding citizens.

But don’t worry, some elected Democrats are now making a big show of noise about deportation. It’s like they’re trying to cover their tracks, realizing that this situation might not be ideal for their party. It’s almost comical how quickly their tune changes when their politics are at stake. But will they actually take action to fix the problem they’ve created? Or will they just mumble some empty promises and move on? Time will tell, but don’t hold your breath.

Meanwhile, the shift in illegal border crossings continues, with Texas cracking down on the issue and seeing significant decreases in apprehensions as a result. Policies matter and incentives work, and it’s clear that Texas is leading the way in dealing with the border crisis. But don’t expect Democrats in Washington to be serious negotiating partners in finding a real solution. Just look at how they’ve been voting to protect illegal immigrants convicted of DUI from deportation. It’s outrageous!

At the end of the day, this whole situation is a perfect example of the failed policies and lack of leadership from the radical Left. It’s time for common-sense conservatives to step up and take charge of this mess. And if you need a laugh, check out this hilarious photoshopped image that perfectly sums up the border crisis. It’s almost too absurd to believe, but unfortunately, it’s all too real.

Written by Staff Reports

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