
NYT Nixes “Financially” to Whitewash Biden’s Biz Ties

The New York Times tries to pull a fast one with an “oopsie” moment over Hunter Biden’s press conference statement, and boy oh boy, it’s a doozy! During this shindig, Hunter was flappin’ his gums about how his dear old dad, President Joe Biden, wasn’t financially involved in his squirrelly business deals. But hold onto your hats, folks, because the NYT went and snipped that crucial word “financially” from the quote, making it seem like the prez had zero involvement at all. What a sly move from the biased media.

The mischievous NYT conveniently omitted “financially” from Hunter’s remarks, making it look like old Joe was as pure as the driven snow when it comes to his boy’s wheelin’ and dealin’. But let’s not be hoodwinked here, folks. Hunter was pretty adamant that “financially” was the magic word, stating loud and clear that his pops wasn’t throwin’ any cash into the mix.

Now, hold onto your britches, because this ain’t the first time Hunter’s been yappin’ about his father’s hands-off approach to his business escapades. During the 2020 election hullabaloo, Hunter was chirping the same ol’ tune, claimin’ that the prez was as clueless as a goldfish about his shenanigans. And Joe, bless his heart, kept on insistin’ that he never had a chinwag with his lad about business stuff.

But that’s not all, folks. The GOP gang dug up some bank records that showed the Biden family rakin’ in millions for who-knows-what. And if that ain’t enough, snoops found a whole heap of emails under aliases that pointed straight to Biden, chattin’ about his boy’s business antics.

But wait, there’s more! The NYT did a little song and dance with their article, slippin’ in the correct quote without so much as a hat tip or a “my bad.” It’s like they tried to pull a hocus-pocus, shufflin’ the words around like a sneaky magician.

So, there you have it, folks. The NYT took a little snip-snip with Hunter’s words, makin’ it seem like Joe Biden was all as pure as a daisy. But we ain’t buyin’ what they’re sellin’. And you shouldn’t either!

Written by Staff Reports

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