
Obama Hesitates to Endorse Harris Despite Biden’s Quick Support

In a surprising twist of fate that could make even plot-twisting soap operas jealous, former President Barack Obama has chosen to tip-toe around the obvious by not immediately endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris following President Joe Biden’s announcement to bow out of the 2024 race. While Biden wasted no time throwing his support behind Harris—who stands to inherit a whopping $100 million campaign war chest—Obama opted for a vague hint about some nebulous “process” that needs to occur first.

Biden’s endorsement was as swift as a liberal’s response to a budget discussion, coming just thirty minutes after he made his decision public. The political power trio of former President Bill Clinton and his perennial partner-in-rhyme, Hillary Clinton, did not waste time either, jumping on the Harris bandwagon faster than a college student rushes to register for classes. Apparently, in their world, all roads lead to Kamala.

Yet, Obama decided to keep Harris at arm’s length, focusing more on the “unchartered waters” the Democratic Party is about to sail into. With the urgency rivaling that of a last-minute tax return filing, Obama seemed to believe that emphasizing the importance of the upcoming “process” surrounding the nomination takes precedence over simply backing the vice president. After all, who wouldn’t want to carefully consider all options instead of just endorsing the obvious choice?

In his statement, Obama was generous with praise for Biden, calling his track record “outstanding”—a nod that could mean anything from “good job” stickers to solid gold medals in liberal virtue signaling. Though Biden may have set the bar at “generous, prosperous, and united” America, there’s a slight chance his approval ratings might argue otherwise. The former president’s words danced around the idea that everyone must “carry that message of hope and progress” into the November elections, but reality has a different plan in store. 


Mayor of the political realm or not, the calculations coming out among Democratic insiders show that Harris’s inheriting the campaign funds isn’t just fortuitous; it’s a calculated leap into the fray. Campaign operatives are ready to argue that Harris is the “obvious choice” not just because of the cash influx, but for her ability to remind voters of this administration’s past four years. One has to wonder, however, how much reminding the American public can take before they demand a fresh face rather than a rerun. It seems Democrats may have a long road ahead filled with backroom deals, whispered endorsements, and a smattering of uncertainty ahead of their convention.

Written by Staff Reports

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