
Obama’s CIA Exposed: Trump Targeted in Spygate Scandal

A fascinating trio—Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi, and Alex Gutentag—have blown the lid off a shocking revelation about a secret operation conducted by the intelligence community against none other than President Trump’s team before the FBI even launched its counterintelligence investigation in 2016.

Believe it or not, folks, the Obama-era CIA, led by the notorious John Brennan, took the lead in orchestrating this downright scandalous plot. They roped in our allies to unlawfully spy on 26 individuals connected to President Trump. Talk about a deep dive into the swamp! But hold onto your hats, because it gets even juicier.

According to Taibbi’s report on Substack, this illicit scheme caused irreparable damage, and even Democrats should be shaking in their boots at the severity of these latest findings. The Russian collusion hoax is nothing short of a worse-than-Watergate-level debacle. It’s enough to make your blood boil!

But that’s not the end of it, folks. Taibbi delved into the CIA’s past intelligence failures during the Iraq war, and wouldn’t you know it, history seems to be repeating itself. Just like in the lead-up to the Iraq invasion, the CIA was caught red-handed cooking up intelligence, shutting out dissenting voices, and essentially selling the American people a bill of goods. It’s a train wreck of epic proportions!

The plot thickens as evidence emerges that the Russians actually favored Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election, which completely guts the entire collusion narrative. Brennan and his cronies cherry-picked their intel, excluded opposing views, and sidelined key agencies that didn’t buy into their wild theory. Talk about a rigged game!

Now, brace yourselves, folks, because this rabbit hole goes even deeper. The use of informants to spy on Trump’s associates wasn’t just your run-of-the-mill affair; it was a state-sponsored witch hunt funded by a trifecta of the Hillary Clinton campaign, the FBI, and the Department of Defense. It was dirty politics at its finest!

And guess what? The culprits behind this massive scandal have yet to face any consequences for their shady dealings. We’re talking about key players who are still pulling the strings in American national security today. It’s like a bad rerun of a soap opera!

If you’re not trembling with outrage yet, just wait—there’s more. Former FBI bigwig Andrew McCabe was caught on tape greenlighting the illegal FISA spy warrant for Carter Page, a member of the Trump campaign. “We can’t pull any punches,” he said. What a nerve!

In the end, it’s a wake-up call for all patriotic Americans. We need to demand the release of all classified documents to clear the air. We can’t afford to sweep this under the rug for years like we did with WMDs. The swamp creatures won’t stop at anything to delve into their bag of tricks again, and it’s up to us to keep them in check.

So, folks, let’s make some noise! It’s time to hold these swamp-dwellers accountable for their misdeeds and ensure that they won’t pull the wool over our eyes again. It’s time to take our country back and make America great again!

Written by Staff Reports

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