
Officer in St. Louis Killed by Illegal Immigrant Sparks Criticism of Biden’s Border Policies

Once again, tragic news emerges from St. Louis, highlighting the devastating consequences of reckless immigration policies. Officer David Lee lost his life due to the actions of a suspected illegal immigrant. This incident underscores the dangers facing both citizens and law enforcement as the Biden administration continues its reckless disregard for border security. The disarray at the southern border has not just allowed illegal immigrants to enter this country; it has paved the way for crime and chaos to invade American communities.

On a dreary Sunday morning, while Officer Lee was performing his duty on Interstate 70, he was struck by a vehicle driven at dangerously high speeds by 24-year-old Ramon A. Chavez Rodriguez. Not only was Rodriguez speeding, but he was also under the influence of alcohol, hitting Officer Lee with such force that he was left critically injured. With a blood alcohol content over the legal limit, Rodriguez’s reckless behavior and lack of a valid driver’s license contribute to a pattern of lawlessness that seems to be supported by current immigration policies. Astoundingly, Rodriguez is not just a typical reckless driver; he is an illegal immigrant already on probation for previous crimes, illustrating a comprehensive failure of the system.

This shocking incident is not an isolated event; it’s the second tragedy within a year linked to individuals in this country illegally. Last December, an eleven-year-old boy lost his life when he was hit by another reckless driver, Endrina Bracho, who also entered the U.S. illegally. The pattern is clear and heartbreaking; lives are being lost due to the carelessness of individuals who should never have been allowed to operate a vehicle in the first place. The open-border proponents often claim that illegal immigrants are less criminally inclined, yet all statistics point to a sobering reality contrary to their narrative. 


The data from Texas alone reveals the staggering size of crime linked to illegal immigrants. Between June 2011 and June 2024, the state recorded over 440,000 noncitizen criminals entered the justice system, including thousands of serious crimes. This brings to light a terrifying statistic: a database of illegal immigrant crimes that should rattle anyone concerned about safety in their neighborhoods. When the administration promotes an open-border stance, these tragedies are the inevitable result of a diminished commitment to law and order—putting the lives of frontline defenders at risk.

As Officer David Lee’s family mourns, one must question the priorities of leaders like Biden and Harris. The trafficking of illegal immigrants into American communities seems to be motivated by a desire for political power, leaving safety and security in the dust. The tragic reality is that American lives are lost to the very policies designed to create a so-called multicultural haven. Law enforcement officers like Officer Lee put themselves in harm’s way daily, and it is increasingly clear that the price of such sacrifice is far too high. The time for change is overdue; real border security is necessary to protect all Americans from senseless violence and loss.

Written by Staff Reports

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