
Ohio Docs Fight Radical Full-Term Abortion Push: Women & Children at Risk

In a startling turn of events, proponents of a radical abortion amendment in Ohio are pressing for a measure that would allow abortions up until a woman's due date. However, courageous OB/GYNs in the Buckeye State are speaking out about the grave consequences this could have on Ohio's women and girls.

American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG) members are spearheading opposition to this radical amendment. In addition to allowing full-term abortions, when infants can sense pain and survive outside the womb, they argue that it eliminates vital health and safety protections for abortion facilities. Angela Martin, an obstetrician and gynecologist in the Cincinnati area, cautioned that this amendment is insufficient to support genuine, high-quality care for Ohio women and children.

Dr. Lindsay Rerko, a family medicine physician in Columbus, reiterated these concerns, stating that the proposed amendment to Ohio's constitution would be detrimental to all of her patients. In light of the fact that infants can experience pain during late-term abortions, she underscored the danger of eliminating parental involvement in minor children's health decisions while permitting abortions up until birth. Rerko considers this amendment to be anti-women and anti-parent, resulting in poorer health outcomes for everyone.

Dr. Maureen Curley, a Cleveland counselor who specializes in pregnancy-related mood and anxiety disorders, added that the mental distress caused by late-term abortions, as permitted by this amendment, would put Ohio women at high risk for severe and long-term depression, substance abuse, and psychological stress. She emphasized that this amendment is a grievous injustice for Ohio women who deserve better and is far from providing reproductive justice.

In addition to medical concerns, there are also concerns regarding the exploitation that may result from this proposed measure. Dr. Vivina Napier of Columbus raised the issue of limiting parental rights, citing instances of children falling victim to child abuse and human trafficking when separated from parental decision-making. Napier emphasized that parents should be able to participate in their children's healthcare education and decision-making, and that such amendments only serve to protect perpetrators and traffickers. She argued that not only does this ballot initiative imperil the protection, health, and well-being of children in Ohio, but it also undermines the rights of parents.

Clearly, the Ohio amendment proposal is not the answer to promoting the well-being of women and children. From endangering the lives of full-term infants to eroding parental rights, this extreme measure must be recognized for what it truly is: an assault on the conservative values and safeguards. It is our responsibility to defend the most vulnerable among us and to oppose such radical policies that seek to undermine the sanctity of life and the parental rights.

Written by Staff Reports

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