
Ohio Secretary of State Warns Biden Might Not Be on November Ballot

Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose has issued a serious warning to Democrats, saying that President Joe Biden might not be on Ohio’s ballot in November. There’s a clash between Ohio’s election rules and the Democratic National Convention schedule that could keep Biden out.

The law in Ohio says that presidential candidates have to be nominated 90 days before the election, which is by August 7 this year. However, the DNC won’t happen until August 19, which puts Biden’s nomination at risk.

LaRose, who is a Republican, has shared his worries in a letter to Liz Walters, who is the Chairwoman of the Ohio Democratic Party. Without the Democratic Party following Ohio’s deadline, LaRose would have to tell election boards to make ballots without the Democratic candidates for president and vice president.

This situation shows a possible issue in the democratic process, especially if a key candidate is missing from the ballot in an important battleground state. LaRose has suggested solutions, like changing the DNC’s timeline or changing the deadline in the law, but they haven’t been successful.

Conservatives believe this issue is the fault of the Democrats for not following the law and failing to ensure Biden’s spot on the ballot. This situation reflects poorly on the Democratic Party’s ability to follow rules and organize their nomination process effectively. It is crucial for parties to respect state election laws, and failure to do so undermines the fairness and integrity of the electoral process.

Additionally, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine’s confidence that the issue will be resolved, whether through the courts or the legislature, shows faith in the state’s ability to uphold the law. The statement from the Ohio Democratic Party Chair placing blame on Republican “corrupt politicians” is seen as divisive and deflecting responsibility. Amid this uncertainty, it is essential for the Democratic Party to address the issue promptly and ensure that voters have the opportunity to choose from all major candidates come Election Day.

Written by Staff Reports

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