
Oregon Judge Stomps 2nd Amendment with Bizarre Mag Ban Ruling

In a shocking turn of events, a federal judge has declared Oregon’s “Measure 114” banning large capacity magazines and implementing a gun registry to be constitutional. This is a prime example of liberal activists on the bench trying to trample on our Second Amendment rights. The measure, which passed with a slim majority of 50.7 percent, is a clear overreach by the government.

Under Measure 114, anyone purchasing a firearm in Oregon must first obtain a permit, which can cost up to $65. This is nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to place financial burdens on law-abiding citizens and discourage them from exercising their constitutional right to bear arms. Additionally, the law prohibits the sale of large capacity magazines and requires existing owners to either modify their magazines or destroy them.

But here’s the kicker: current owners are allowed to keep their large capacity magazines, as long as they only use them inside their homes or at designated locations. So let me get this straight: if these magazines are so dangerous and pose a threat to public safety, why aren’t they being confiscated altogether? It’s clear that this measure is nothing more than a political stunt to appease the far-left activists in Oregon.

The judge’s ruling is riddled with logical inconsistencies and cherry-picked evidence. She dismisses the fact that millions of large capacity magazines are owned by law-abiding citizens and rarely used in self-defense situations. Instead, she chooses to focus on the testimony of so-called experts who claim that these magazines are not in “common use.” This is absurd and goes against the very principles laid out by Justice Kavanaugh in his Heller dissent.

Furthermore, this ruling is a direct contradiction to the recent Supreme Court decision in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen, where the Court showed little inclination to uphold laws that infringe on our right to bear arms. It is only a matter of time before this case is appealed, and I have no doubt that the higher courts will see the flaws in Judge Immergut’s reasoning.

States like California, Hawaii, and Washington have also enacted similar restrictions on large capacity magazines, but mark my words, these laws will eventually be struck down by the Supreme Court. The right to defend ourselves and our families is a fundamental part of our American heritage, and no activist judge can take that away from us.

Oregon, you may have thought you were making a statement with Measure 114, but in reality, all you’ve done is trample on the rights of law-abiding citizens and empower criminals. It’s time to put an end to these unconstitutional infringements on our Second Amendment rights and restore the true meaning of liberty in this great nation. Stay vigilant, patriots, because our rights are under attack.

Written by Staff Reports

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