
Outlaw Posing as Doc Nabbed: Hawking Bogus COVID Cure Ends in Cuffs!

Utah Man Arrested After Three-Year Manhunt for Selling Fake COVID-19 Cure

In a dramatic turn of events, a manhunt that lasted three long years finally came to an end with the arrest of Gordon Hunter Pederson, a Utah man who posed as a doctor and tried to sell a fake COVID-19 cure. The United States Attorney’s Office confirmed the news, stating that Pederson had a warrant issued for his arrest on August 25, 2020, after failing to appear in federal court.

Pederson’s deceptive scheme involved selling a product called “structural alkaline silver,” which he claimed had the power to destroy the virus by disrupting its membrane. He even went as far as promoting himself as an “anti-aging medical doctor” with multiple Ph.Ds in fields like immunology and naturopathic medicine. It’s no wonder he was able to attract customers through his YouTube videos and false credentials.

Fortunately, the authorities took action to put an end to Pederson’s deceitful practices. In 2020, a civil restraining order was issued to prevent him from continuing to sell his fraudulent product. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) expressed its commitment to protecting the public from such scams, emphasizing the importance of safe and effective treatments during a health crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic.

This case serves as a reminder that there are always individuals ready to take advantage of people’s vulnerability and fear. It is crucial for the public to remain vigilant and rely on credible sources when it comes to their health. By cracking down on scammers like Pederson, we can send a clear message that such fraudulent activities will not go unpunished.

In a similar vein, just last month, a Florida family was convicted for selling toxic industrial bleach as a fraudulent cure for COVID-19. Mark Grenon and his sons were found guilty of conspiring to defraud the United States and distributing misbranded drugs. They had marketed their “Miracle Mineral Solution” as a panacea for various diseases, raking in a staggering $1 million in sales. The solution, however, contained chlorine dioxide and posed serious health risks.

These cases highlight the importance of staying informed and cautious amidst the chaos of a pandemic. As Americans, we must remain vigilant and not fall prey to false promises and dangerous substances. It is the responsibility of our justice system to hold these individuals accountable for playing with people’s lives.

Written by Staff Reports

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