
PA GOP Betrayed: School Choice Suffers as Dems Outsmart Them

Oh boy, here we go again! Pennsylvania Republicans just can’t catch a break. It seems like every time they turn around, the Democrats are pulling a fast one on them. This time, it’s Governor Josh Shapiro who’s done a complete 180 on his support for school choice. That’s right, folks, the governor who campaigned on being a champion for parents and students now plans to veto funding for vouchers. Can you say “betrayal”?

But who’s to blame for this shocking turn of events? Well, it seems the teacher’s unions might have something to do with it. Those powerful special interest groups have been lobbying the governor’s office, and it looks like they got what they wanted. $100 million in funding that could have provided vouchers for students trapped in failing schools will now be denied. Way to go, Democrats!

Of course, the Senate Republicans are not taking this betrayal lying down. They released a statement saying they had negotiated in good faith with Governor Shapiro, only to be stabbed in the back. They are rightly disappointed that the governor couldn’t deliver on his promise to support school choice. This is what happens when you trust a Democrat, folks. They talk a big game during the campaign, but when it comes time to deliver, they cave to the radical elements of their own party.

And let’s not forget how this all started. Pennsylvania Republicans nominated Doug Mastriano, a deeply unpopular and controversial figure, to run against Shapiro. Unsurprisingly, Shapiro trounced him in the election, and now we’re stuck with a governor who has no problem breaking promises. Elections have consequences, my friends, and in this case, it’s meant fewer options for students and parents.

So, what’s the lesson here? Well, it’s a simple one. Republicans need to stop making deals with Democrats without absolute guarantees. They need to be wary of trusting anyone from the other side of the aisle, especially when it comes to issues like school choice. It’s clear that the Democrat party is not interested in empowering parents and giving children access to better education. Their priority is preserving the power and influence of the teacher’s unions, plain and simple.

Now, Pennsylvania Republicans are stuck with a budget that has already been passed, but without the funding for vouchers. It’s a frustrating situation, but one that should serve as a reminder of why principled conservative leadership is so important. Maybe next time, Republicans will think twice before compromising their values just to make a deal.

In the meantime, let’s hope that the GOP learns from this experience and starts putting forward candidates who can actually win elections. It’s time to stop making the same mistakes over and over again. Pennsylvania deserves better, and so do the students and parents who are counting on school choice to give them a brighter future.

Bonchie, a front-page contributor for RedState, has hit the nail on the head with this analysis. Let’s hope the Republican Party takes his words to heart and starts fighting for what really matters – the right of every child to receive a quality education.

Source: Red State

Written by Staff Reports

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