
Pakistan Deports 1.7M Afghans: Biden’s Blunder Strikes Again

Over the weekend, Pakistani authorities made a bold move to protect their borders and ensure their country’s security by starting the process of deporting 1.7 million Afghan refugees. These refugees, though claiming to have legitimate asylum status, have been living illegally in Pakistan for far too long.

Now, before anyone starts comparing this situation to the United States’ immigration issue, let’s be clear – there’s a stark difference. While the U.S. is flooded with fake asylum claims from people who simply want to take advantage of our system, these Afghan refugees facing deportation could potentially be executed or severely punished by the Taliban upon returning home. We’re not talking about economic migrants here, but individuals fleeing from the clutches of an oppressive regime.

The Pakistani government gave these refugees a fair chance by providing a deadline for them to leave voluntarily, and now it’s time for them to face the consequences of their illegal actions. Pakistan’s determination to repatriate these individuals is commendable. It’s about time a country took a firm stand against illegal immigration.

Of course, there are heartbreaking stories emerging from this situation. Women’s rights activists, musicians, and former government workers who once supported the U.S.-backed regime in Kabul are among those receiving deportation notices. Their lives may be in danger if they return to Afghanistan. But let’s not forget, this is the result of the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan orchestrated by none other than President Joe Biden. His poor decision-making has consequences, and these Afghan refugees are unfortunately paying the price.

Amidst all the criticism against Pakistan, we must remember that they are merely enforcing their immigration laws and protecting their own citizens. It’s a shame that the progressive Left won’t hold rallies and denounce Islamabad for their supposedly heartless actions. Instead, they choose to focus on the past, conveniently forgetting that it was President Barack Obama who put kids in cages, not President Donald Trump.

The situation in Afghanistan is undeniably tragic, but we cannot place the blame solely on Pakistan. It’s time for those responsible, including President Biden, to face the consequences of their actions. We cannot continue to create one quagmire after another, whether it be trading wars in Afghanistan for turmoil in Ukraine or neglecting our own borders. It’s time for real solutions and a commitment to upholding the rule of law.

Written by Staff Reports

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