
Palestinian Protester Blunder: Forgets She’s Sporting Nike While Calling for Boycott

Once more, leftist demonstrators are delivering an unintended tragicomedy to the nation. A journalist for Newsmax recently published a video and photograph depicting a pro-Palestinian protester demanding boycotts of major corporations, including Nike, via bullhorn. What absurdity! Additionally, the young lady was dressed in a pair of Nike shoes. Supporting boycott demands becomes arduous when the protestors fail to adhere to their own recommendations.

The video demonstrated how the young woman initially struggled with her voice before gathering momentum as she yelled the names of corporations to boycott. She did not elevate her voice until she reached "Nike," at which point she realized she was donning the exact shoes she was denouncing. Such moments cause one to doubt the coherence and gravity of the causes being advanced by these protestors.

Another instance of the lather-rinse-repeat characteristic of leftist protests is this occurrence. They require nothing more than a current oppressed group to rally around, notwithstanding the inherent contradictions in their fundamental convictions. Consider the recent "Queers for Palestine" demonstration that occurred in New York. It is incomprehensible how an organization that defends LGBTQ+ rights could endorse a government that imposes severe penalties on individuals who identify as "queers."

The alliance between Black Lives Matter and Hamas is similarly puzzling. BLM advocates for the eradication of Jews in order to establish an ethnic state, whereas Hamas pursues a Nazi agenda of racial decolonization and adheres to the teachings of Karl Marx. Their alliance is rendered all the more perplexing by the fact that their fundamental convictions are diametrically opposed.

Prominent philosopher Eric Hoffer might be able to provide a rationale for these incongruities. According to his argument in "The True Believer," the true believer places little value on ideology. In contrast, they are driven by a desire for solidarity and selflessness, deriving significance from communal undertakings rather than personal satisfaction. Extremists on the left are willing to give their lives for a cause, willingly abandoning one ideology for another so long as it nourishes their desire for self-deprivation.

Although these inconsistencies in ideology may appear perplexing to individuals external to the movement, they effectively demonstrate the profound discontent that motivates these demonstrations. The activists' volition for self-sacrifice originates from a dissatisfaction with the pursuit of personal fulfillment, which compels them to forego individual endeavors in favor of organizing collective actions. Although this may not adhere to rationality, their primary concern is the collective self-deprivation.

Thus, in the context of Marxist protests, the significance of words and actions is minimal. Their participation in the collective self-abnegation that satisfies their profound yearning for significance is what truly matters. Although this explanation does not mitigate the glaring inconsistencies, it does provide insight into the underlying motivations driving these protests. As the tragicomedy progresses, all that remains is for future generations to discern the current state of insanity.


Written by Staff Reports

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