
Palmer Exposes Potential Justice Obstruction by Special Counsel Weiss!

In a surprising turn of events, GOP Rep. Gary Palmer has called for the investigation of Special Counsel David Weiss for obstruction of justice. The appointment of Weiss as special counsel has raised eyebrows due to his background as a U.S. Attorney, which goes against the special counsel statute requirements. Palmer argues that Weiss impeded an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) investigation by denying access to crucial materials and documents.

Palmer’s concerns about Weiss obstructing justice stem from a previous investigation into Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden. According to Palmer, whistleblowers revealed that they were denied access to important documents, such as the FBI’s form 1023, which contained crucial information about Hunter Biden’s dealings with the Ukrainian gas company Burisma. Additionally, these investigators were also denied access to Hunter Biden’s laptop and other essential documents.

Palmer firmly believes that Weiss deliberately obstructed the investigation by withholding these materials, leading to the expiration of the statute of limitations. As a result, Palmer argues that Weiss himself should be the subject of an obstruction of justice investigation.

This revelation puts Attorney General Merrick Garland in a difficult position, as he appointed Weiss as special counsel without considering the requirement for an independent investigation. Garland’s oversight raises questions about the integrity and transparency of the Biden administration’s handling of the matter.

We must demand accountability and impartiality in our justice system. The American people deserve answers and justice, regardless of one’s political affiliations. It is crucial that we thoroughly investigate David Weiss’s actions and determine whether obstruction of justice occurred. Only then can we restore faith and confidence in our institutions.

Written by Staff Reports

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