
Patriotic Republicans Unite to Squash Buttigieg’s Tricky Travel Bill!

In a move that shocked conservatives, House Republicans joined with Democrats to prevent an amendment from requiring reports about the travel of Pete Buttigieg, the Transportation Secretary.

An amendment introduced by Rep. Mary Miller, R-IL, sought to require the Transportation Department to provide flight details for Buttigieg's trips on government aircraft.

It is disappointing that conservative members of Congress are siding with the Democrats on this issue. Americans deserve to know how their tax dollars are used.

The amendment was defeated by several Republican congressmen, including Troy Balderson, Jack Bergman, and Brian Fitzpatrick. Also, Sam Graves, Marc Molinaro, and Jen Kiggans voted against it. These members join a group of over 200 Democrats who have no regard for the proper use of government funds.

Despite the darkness, there were some bright spots in the debate. Three Democrats, including Reps. Yadira Carveo of Colorado, Ted Lieu of California, and Katie Porter of California, showed the courage to join the rest of House Republicans in supporting the amendment. It's encouraging to see that these members are prioritizing the interests of their constituents instead of their party.

One of the most bizarre elements of the situation was the flip-flopping vote of Congressman Troy Balderson. After mistakenly opposing the amendment, his office revealed that he actually intended to support it. Unfortunately, this incident highlights the lack of care and attention that members of Congress have for the issues that they represent.

The amendment was necessary to reveal more about the use of government funds by Buttigieg, who reportedly used private jets for over 18 trips since he became the Secretary. It's time for Congress to start holding accountable officials and demanding responsible use of public money.

Despite the defeat, the battle is still not over. The House passed the FAA reauthorization bill by a vote of over 350 to 69. It now goes to the Senate for its consideration. It's up to the conservative members of Congress to continue holding their representatives accountable and demanding better from them. Americans should not be held hostage to political expediency and should not be forced to accept the lack of transparency in government.


Written by Staff Reports

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