In a recent interview with MSNBC, Liz Dunning, the vice president of a group called the Brady Campaign, expressed her frustration with the current Congress’s reluctance to pass strict gun control laws. Dunning believes that a new batch of lawmakers with an unwavering commitment to gun control is needed to get the job done. However, Dunning seems to forget that our Founding Fathers fought for our right to bear arms, and any attempts to erode that right are both unconstitutional and un-American.
Gun Control Group Complains They Can't Get Congress to Restrict the Second Amendment— (@townhallcom) July 4, 2023
Dunning, in her misguided plea, claims that we shouldn’t have to be brave to go to places like movie theaters or grocery stores. Well, Liz, it’s not bravery we need but rather a commitment to protecting our freedoms. If folks like Dunning had their way, law-abiding citizens would be defenseless against criminals who don’t care about pesky regulations. We shouldn’t let fear drive us to sacrifice our rights or to fall for the false notion that gun owners are the problem.
In the wake of the #HighlandPark mass shooting, Naperville, IL, banned the sale of assault weapons. But now that ban is being challenged. We should have the right to protect our communities, that's why Brady Legal is representing Naperville in this fight.
— Brady | United Against Gun Violence (@bradybuzz) July 3, 2023
The Brady Campaign’s strategy relies on creating an illusion of division among Americans on the issue of gun control. But let’s be clear, we are not divided. We are a nation that understands the value of self-defense and the importance of the Second Amendment. It is not fear that keeps us quiet; it is our understanding that guns play a vital role in ensuring the safety of our families and communities. Rather than trying to silence our voices, Dunning should encourage an open dialogue that respects the rights of law-abiding citizens.
The Brady Campaign is wasting its resources by lobbying Congress for stricter gun control laws. One such endeavor is their representation of the city of Naperville, Illinois, in their ban on the sale of so-called “assault weapons.” But thankfully, there are organizations like the National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR) that are challenging these unconstitutional bans. This legal battle could soon reach the hallowed halls of the U.S. Supreme Court, where justice and the Constitution could prevail.
While Dunning may lament about the current composition of Congress, she fails to recognize that our lawmakers should be focused on protecting our rights, not infringing upon them. It is not new members of Congress that we need, but rather representatives who uphold their oath to defend the Constitution. America deserves leadership that respects the fundamental rights of its citizens, not a group pushing an agenda that undermines our freedoms.
So, let’s not be swayed by fear-mongering or attempts to silence our voices. We, as patriotic Americans, must stand strong in our defense of the Second Amendment. Our founding principles of individual liberty, self-defense, and limited government are far too precious to be traded away for a false sense of security.