
Paxson Capitulates at Vigil, Jews Side-Lined by Biased Academia

Brown University President Christina Paxson should have stuck to her guns and delivered the remarks she was supposed to give at the “vigil of peace and healing” to honor Hisham Awartani, a Palestinian student who was wounded in a recent shooting in Vermont. Instead, she caved to the anti-Israel mob and only addressed Muslim and Palestinian students, completely ignoring the plight of Jewish students on her campus. This is just another example of liberal academia silencing the voices of conservative and pro-Israel students.

Paxson was supposed to say, “Every student, faculty and staff member should be able to proudly wear a Star of David or don a keffiyeh on the Brown campus, or to cover their head with a hijab or yarmulke.” But when she was interrupted and heckled, she changed her tune and only addressed Muslim and Palestinian students. It’s truly disheartening that a university president couldn’t even stand up for the rights of Jewish students to proudly display their faith on campus.

The fact that Paxson engaged with the hecklers instead of standing her ground is a disgrace. She ultimately apologized and left the podium as the agitators continued to disrupt the event. This shows a lack of leadership and strength on her part. The pro-Palestinian students clearly took issue with Paxson’s remarks, but it’s important to note that colleges and universities have been disregarding the rise of antisemitism on campuses. Brown is just one of many examples of this problem.

Additionally, the liberal bias in the reporting of the shooting of Awartani and two other Palestinian men is evident. Despite no clear motive being established, the media and activists have been quick to label it as a hate crime. The evidence doesn’t yet support this claim, but that hasn’t stopped them from pushing their narrative. It’s important to wait for all the facts before jumping to conclusions.

The hecklers at the event expressed outrage in various ways, including shouting “Shame on you” and “Divest from genocide.” Their behavior only further demonstrates the left’s intolerance for opposing viewpoints. Townhall reached out to Brown University for comment on Paxson’s decision to edit her remarks, but the university only offered a weak defense, claiming it’s not unusual for remarks to deviate when there’s disruption. It’s clear that Paxson and the university are more concerned with appeasing the vocal minority than standing up for all students on campus.

Written by Staff Reports

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