
Pelosi Stumbles Again: Confused Biden Defense Adds to His Woes

In a classic case of pot calling the kettle black, Nancy Pelosi once again stumbled and bumbled her way through a defense of Joe Biden, proving that age is definitely a factor for both of them. But hey, if Pelosi wants to make this comparison, then let’s go for it!

During an interview on CNN, Pelosi was asked about the IRS whistleblowers and whether politics played a role in their case against Hunter Biden. But instead of giving a coherent answer, Pelosi went off on a tangent, talking about a completely unrelated hearing on censorship. I mean, seriously, is she even paying attention? It’s like she’s living in her own little world.

And if that wasn’t bad enough, Pelosi couldn’t even get the names right of the people involved in the hearing. She mentioned Joe Kennedy, not realizing that it’s actually his grandson, Joe Kennedy III, who testified. It’s clear that Pelosi is completely out of touch and doesn’t even know what’s going on in her own party.

But wait, there’s more! When asked about why the American people aren’t buying into the Democrats’ narrative that Biden is doing a great job, Pelosi blamed it on “messaging.” Yeah, because that’s the problem, not the fact that Biden’s policies are a disaster and he’s clearly unfit to be president. Give me a break.

The truth is, Pelosi’s defense of Biden only adds to his troubles. It’s clear that both of them are out of touch and incapable of leading. But hey, at least we don’t have to hear Pelosi say “it’s for the children” anymore. That’s a small victory, right?

Written by Staff Reports

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