
Pelosi’s Stock Market Magic: $1.8M Boom Riles Right!

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat from California, made a killing in the stock market this week, and conservatives are not pleased. In just 92 days, Pelosi raked in a mind-boggling $1.8 million from her investment in NVIDIA, a company that produces graphics processing units. To put that into perspective, her annual congressional salary is a paltry $175,000. Talk about hitting the jackpot!

This isn’t the first time Pelosi’s stock trades have sparked controversy. Many on the right have accused her of using her political clout to gain insider information and turn a hefty profit in the market. In 2023, while the S&P 500 saw a 24 percent gain, Pelosi managed to score a staggering 65 percent return on her investments. It’s no wonder her fellow Democrats called for a ban on congressional stock trades. But of course, Pelosi pushed back against the idea, and a Republican senator even tried to pass a bill named after her, the PELOSI Act, to stop politicians from owning stocks. Guess what? It didn’t pass.

And get this: Pelosi and her husband are rolling in the dough, with a combined net worth of approximately $46 million. Yet, she wants us to believe that she doesn’t chat about stocks with her investment banker husband. However, a little digging revealed that her husband is often in the room while she’s making those lucrative business calls. How convenient, right?

Conservatives are up in arms about Pelosi’s massive stock windfall, calling her the “greatest inside trader of all time.” It seems like the former House Speaker has a knack for gaming the system and lining her pockets. But hey, what do we know? We’re just hardworking Americans trying to make ends meet while Pelosi’s out here making millions in the stock market. Something’s not right here, and the right isn’t about to let it slide.

Written by Staff Reports

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