
Pelosi’s Unoriginal Attack: Trump’s “Cognitive Disorder” Debunked

In a recent interview, Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) unleashed yet another attack on former President Donald Trump. This time, she had the audacity to claim that he suffers from a so-called “cognitive disorder.” Seriously, Pelosi? Can she come up with anything new or original, or is she just recycling insults at this point?

Pelosi’s remarks came in response to Trump’s recent statements highlighting the destruction of information and the alleged rejection of troops by Nikki Haley. But instead of addressing these issues head-on, Pelosi decided to launch a personal attack, questioning Trump’s mental capabilities. How mature.

According to Pelosi, it’s not enough to argue against Trump’s claims. She has to go a step further and question his cognitive abilities. But let’s be clear here – one slip of the tongue does not equate to a cognitive disorder. We’ve all mistakenly called someone by the wrong name before. It’s called being human, Pelosi. Maybe she should look it up.

But Pelosi didn’t stop there. She continued her tirade, blaming Trump for the events of January 6th and accusing him of inciting the Capitol riot. It’s the same tired narrative we’ve heard from the left since day one. They just can’t seem to accept that people have the right to protest and voice their concerns, even if they don’t align with their own views.

It’s clear that Pelosi and her Democrat cronies are grasping at straws. They’re willing to stoop to any level to discredit Trump and silence his supporters. But the American people see through their desperate attempts. We know that Trump was a strong leader who fought for our values and made great strides for our country.

Pelosi can continue to spew her baseless accusations and personal attacks, but true conservatives see right through her. We’re tired of the divisive rhetoric and the constant attempts to undermine our former president. It’s time for Pelosi and her ilk to move on and focus on actually delivering results for the American people. But of course, that’s too much to ask from the radical left.

Written by Staff Reports

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