
Pelosi’s Wild Trump Tirade: Dementia Accusations and Capitol Lies?

In a fiery interview on KTTV-LA “News at 6 PM,” Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) flung some scalding accusations at former President Donald Trump. Pelosi claimed that Trump is not playing with a full deck, stating that he has a “cognitive disorder.” Now, we all know that Pelosi loves to sling mud at the former President every chance she gets, but this takes the cake! She went on to make even more outlandish claims, saying that Trump and his cronies deliberately destroyed evidence and refused to send in the National Guard during the Capitol riot. But let’s not forget, this is the same Nancy Pelosi who can’t seem to remember President Trump’s name half the time, so forgive us for taking her allegations with a grain of salt.

At a recent rally, Trump dished out some spicy words, calling out Nikki Haley and accusing Pelosi and the Democrats of destroying evidence. Sounds like Trump wasn’t holding back on the spice, huh? But leave it to Pelosi to twist his words and turn them into some grand conspiracy theory. She sure knows how to stir up a pot of bubbling outrage, doesn’t she?

Throughout her interview, Pelosi continued to lay it on thick, claiming that Trump not only incited the Capitol riot but also lied about refusing to send in the National Guard. She even went as far as to say that he should never set foot in the White House again! It’s like she’s trying to banish him to political exile! But hey, Nancy, last time we checked, the voters decide who sets foot in the White House, not you.

It’s no secret that Pelosi and Trump have never seen eye to eye, but it seems like Pelosi has turned her distaste for the former president into a full-blown obsession. She just can’t seem to let it go, can she? But hey, as they say, if you can’t stand the heat, stay out of Pelosi’s interviews!

Written by Staff Reports

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