
Pence Slams Trump, Neglects Bigger Threats to US Democracy

Former Vice President Mike Pence recently expressed his stance on the allegations against former President Donald Trump, stating that he “cannot defend what is alleged.” On CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” he declared that the charges against Trump were “serious” and that even the possibility of classified documents falling into the wrong hands could threaten the national security of the United States. However, Pence has missed the larger wrongs currently taking place in America.

It’s apparent that the country is becoming more like a banana republic- with the corrupt Justice Department and the FBI punishing politicians’ political enemies. What the country now has is a pervasive sense of unfairness where the desire to punish one’s enemies seems to be the norm.

Pence’s priorities are misguided. He’s worried about Trump taking out classified documents from the White House, along with other presidents and officials. Nonetheless, it seems he’s lost sight of what’s happening within America. With a country lacking a functional democracy, Pence is worried about the wrong things.

When put into perspective, the scenario is quite simple. What’s worse, trying to hide that the documents exist, or bribing the Ukrainian oligarch in exchange for favorable policies? The former Vice President is outraged at Trump’s supposed crimes because he wishes to be the GOP frontrunner, and he believes that his superior principles will make him an excellent leader.

Let’s face it- between the two, Trump is better equipped to handle the shark-infested waters of Washington. Pence claims that he will rectify the problems at the DOJ, but he’s entirely unaware of the issues he’s dealing with. The Democrats will destroy him.

All things considered, Pence needs to wake up and smell the coffee because he’s lost the plot, and his finger is currently off the pulse of what’s happening in America.

Written by Staff Reports

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