
Pentagon Plays Peek-a-Boo, Keeps Austin’s ICU Stay from Biden!

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s hospitalization was a giant secret! Well, not for folks at the Pentagon, but certainly for the Biden White House. Can you believe that this high-ranking cabinet member didn’t tell anyone that he was in intensive care for days last week? Now that’s some classified information!

The Defense Department didn’t inform senior White House aides about Lloyd’s hospitalization until a whopping three days after he was admitted. And get this, the Biden White House didn’t have a clue what was going on! The news finally broke late on a Friday afternoon, and just when we thought the week couldn’t get any crazier.

Lloyd, at a sprightly 70 years old, admitted that he probably should’ve handled the situation differently and took full responsibility for being all hush-hush about his hospital stay. Yeah, no kidding! The guy’s lucky that a major national security crisis didn’t pop up while he was sipping on hospital Jell-O. I mean, have you seen the news lately? The world’s on the brink, and we’ve got a Defense Secretary sneaking around the hospital halls like a secret agent.

And get this, the Pentagon’s excuse for keeping the White House in the dark was that Lloyd’s chief of staff was also sick. I mean, come on, that’s the best they could come up with? What’s next, the dog ate their disclosure statement? It’s like a bad sitcom plot, but unfortunately, it’s real life in the Biden administration.

Now, let’s take a look at this administration’s track record. We’ve got a Treasury Secretary who’s making a mess of things, a Homeland Security chief who’s letting the immigration crisis run wild, and a transportation secretary who’s watching the FAA go off the rails. It’s like a circus, except the clowns are running the government!

In conclusion, the Pentagon’s decision to keep Lloyd Austin’s hospitalization under wraps is just another example of the chaos and incompetence in the Biden administration. Who knows what else they’re hiding? It’s starting to feel like we’re living in a reality TV show, and it’s not even a good one.

Written by Staff Reports

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