
PepsiCo Bows to Woke Health Agenda, Snacks To Lose Their Salt!

In a move that is sure to raise eyebrows among conservative snack lovers, the liberal elites at PepsiCo have announced their plans to decrease the amount of salt in their delicious Lay’s Chips. Yes, you heard it right. They’re messing with the recipe!

By the year 2030, the company aims to hit two new ambitious nutrition goals, the company said in a Nov. 14 news release. First, they want to reduce the amount of sodium in at least 75 percent of their food products worldwide. Yep, you read that correctly. They’re not just attacking your potato chips. They’re coming for your favorite snacks, too!

But wait, there’s more! PepsiCo also wants to promote nutritionally diverse diets by incorporating “diverse ingredients” such as legumes, plant-based proteins, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds in its food offerings. Goodbye, good old-fashioned American ingredients. Hello, tofu and quinoa!

Executive Vice President and Chief Science Officer René Lammers had the audacity to say, “We are in a constant cycle of innovation to reimagine the foods we make and how we make them, so we can bring better choices to our consumers, without ever compromising on taste.” Oh, sure, René. Because I’m just dying for my potato chips to taste like a garden salad.

According to the liberal World Health Organization, adults worldwide consume too much sodium, which may raise blood pressure and increase the risk of various health problems. But who are you going to trust? Some globalist organization with a fancy title, or your taste buds?

Lammers also had the nerve to mention that PepsiCo is taking a leadership position to be “a catalyst for change.” Oh, how noble of them to take it upon themselves to decide what’s best for us, right? Because obviously, we the people can’t make our own decisions about what we should be eating.

The company’s new sodium reduction goal aims for a 15 percent sodium reduction in their U.S. Lay’s Classic Potato Chips, which would result in a sodium level of 140 mg per 28 g serving. Can you taste the lack of freedom already?

The company claims that their research and development associates are working to find ways to “optimize flavor while using less sodium.” Oh, great. So they’re going to tell us that the chips will taste just as good, but let’s be real, they’re never going to taste the same without that good old-fashioned salty goodness.

But sure, let’s let a bunch of health nuts dictate what we can and can’t snack on. What’s next, tofu-flavored cola? Thanks, but no thanks, PepsiCo. We’ll stick with our classic, sodium-filled snacks, thank you very much.

Written by Staff Reports

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