
Perry Exposes Mountain of Evidence in Biden Impeachment Inquiry Saga!

In a recent appearance on Newsmax’s The Record With Greta Van Susteren, U.S. Rep. Scott Perry made it clear that he is not buying into the impeachment inquiry against President Biden. Perry, a member of the Freedom Caucus, pointed to bank records as evidence that the inquiry lacks substance.

When asked about potential targets of congressional subpoenas, Perry mentioned Hunter Biden as well as Tony Bobulinski and James Biden. He stated that there are many people they would like to bring in to testify and shed light on the evidence they have gathered.

Van Susteren then brought up the challenge of explaining how the Biden family received millions of dollars from foreign governments. Perry agreed, referring to it as the “probable cause” and highlighting the large amount of unexplained wealth, totaling $20 million. He emphasized that the sources of this money are often foreign nationals of questionable repute, and mentioned suspicious activity reports from the banks tied to the Biden family’s accounts.

The conversation took a hypothetical turn when Van Susteren posed a question about the impact this evidence would have on the president. She mentioned the need to connect the money to the president and prove that he either received some of it, changed policies, or took actions influenced by it. Perry agreed, emphasizing that these are the central questions that the inquiry aims to answer.

Perry also brought up a video clip in which Biden boasted about forcing the Ukrainian government to fire a prosecutor who was investigating Burisma, an energy company where Hunter Biden served on the board. Perry sees this as further evidence of questionable involvement and draws an analogy to fingerprints on a murder weapon, reminding us that circumstantial evidence can still be significant.

Overall, Perry’s appearance on Newsmax painted a picture of a congressman who is skeptical of the impeachment inquiry into President Biden. He believes there is a wealth of evidence, particularly in bank records and the infamous video clip, that raises serious questions about the Biden family’s activities and their connection to foreign money.

Written by Staff Reports

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