
Philly DA Uses Taxpayer Funds to Help Migrants Accused of Violent Crimes

Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner’s office was revealed to have provided free legal advice and assistance to migrants facing charges for violent felonies in 2023, according to newly released documents. These taxpayers-funded consultations were aimed at helping migrants accused of crimes such as rape, robbery, aggravated assault, and even vehicular homicide avoid deportation. The Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) obtained documents indicating that Krasner established the immigration counsel position in 2018 specifically for this purpose.

Conservative perspectives may question the appropriateness of a district attorney’s office using public resources to aid individuals facing serious criminal charges, especially when those individuals are not citizens of the country. The concerns raised by IRLI suggest that by assisting migrants in avoiding convictions that could lead to deportation, Krasner may be compromising public safety and contradicting the primary duty of a district attorney to prosecute crimes. 


Krasner, who was reportedly supported by left-wing billionaire George Soros during his election campaign, has been known for his progressive approach to criminal justice, prioritizing goals such as reducing incarceration rates and shielding migrants from immigration enforcement. Critics argue that Krasner’s focus on achieving “immigration-neutral” outcomes for defendants, regardless of their citizenship status, raises questions about the priorities of his office and the fairness of the legal system.

The revelations about the types of cases in which the immigration counsel provided assistance, including charges related to violent crimes like assault, domestic violence, and robbery, have sparked further debate about the implications of Krasner’s policies. The investigation by IRLI raises concerns about potential preferential treatment for non-citizen defendants and the lack of similar considerations for U.S. citizens facing criminal charges.

From a conservative viewpoint, the prioritization of minimizing immigration consequences for individuals accused of serious crimes may be seen as a deviation from the principles of justice and public safety. Questions about the transparency and accountability of Krasner’s office in handling such cases have been raised, particularly regarding the potential impacts on the community and the rule of law. Ultimately, this news story highlights the ongoing debate surrounding immigration, law enforcement, and the role of prosecutors in ensuring justice for all individuals, regardless of their immigration status.

Written by Staff Reports

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