
Philly Pays Illegal Immigrant in School Scandal Fiasco

The City of Philadelphia Caves to Illegal Immigrant, Paying Out Settlement

Philadelphia has once again succumbed to the demands of an illegal immigrant, this time paying an undisclosed sum of money to Leslie Hernandez and her son in the wake of an incident involving a school principal’s inquiry into the boy’s legal status, a clear violation of the city’s sanctuary policy.

According to reports, the settlement not only included a hefty payout but also required additional training on “restorative justice” and “social-emotional anti-bullying lessons” for students. Furthermore, the settlement mandates a review of harassment policies within the school system, all at the expense of the hardworking taxpayers of Philadelphia.

Ms. Hernandez, who fled El Salvador to seek asylum in the U.S., alleged that her son faced bullying over his difficulty speaking English and perceived sexual orientation. When the concerned mother approached the school principal for assistance, she claimed that instead of offering support, the principal inappropriately inquired about their legal status, and even threatened to involve Homeland Security to deport them and their families.

To make matters worse, after her son was reportedly injured in an attack, Ms. Hernandez claimed that he was denied proper medical attention and was not provided with a translator. Shockingly, the principal allegedly refused to allow Ms. Hernandez to file a police report, citing the lack of a translator as justification.

In a predictable turn of events, advocacy groups swiftly swooped in to exploit the situation, resulting in the removal of the principal and the city’s eventual agreement to the settlement. This outcome sends a dangerous message that unlawfully entering and residing in the country can lead to financial gain at the expense of law-abiding citizens.

The City of Philadelphia’s sanctuary policy, which forbids city employees from inquiring about immigration status, continues to place illegal immigrants above the law and undermines the safety and well-being of its own citizens. What’s next? Will the city continue to bend its rules and laws to accommodate those who are in the country unlawfully, at the expense of its legal residents? This case is just another example of the detrimental consequences of sanctuary policies and the prioritization of illegal immigrants over the citizens they were elected to serve.

Written by Staff Reports

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