
Politico’s Reckless Trump Narrative Pushes Dangerous Political Extremes

Far-left outlets like Politico have taken a turn down a dark and twisted path, boldly displaying their intent to fan the flames of violence against former President Donald Trump. Over the weekend, Politico managed to combine sensationalism with absurdity in a piece that could only be described as assassination porn. This article spins a wild fantasy of a “very real scenario” in which Trump, after losing, would still somehow cling to power. Among the visual aids used to sell their disturbing narrative was a strikingly unsettling photo of a burnt-out map of America—a fitting representation of the scorched-earth logic they employ.

There’s no need to dissect the outlandish scenarios put forth by Politico’s so-called journalists. Trump has been both a president and a private citizen who has never resorted to the chaos that Politico is peddling. One must wonder—if he refrained from any dramatic power grabs while leading the country, what makes them think he’d suddenly become a despot once back in the private sector? The left’s relentless assault on Trump isn’t rooted in logic; it’s drenched in an emotional vendetta that has long since abandoned reason.

The lengthy tome that Politico concocted—stretching an eye-watering 5,000 words—has nothing to do with informed reporting or credible analysis of the upcoming 2024 election. Instead, it functions as a clear rallying cry for those on the left who wish to sow discord rather than engage in civil political discourse. The piece serves a chilling purpose, edging dangerously close to justifying violence against a figure they’ve demonized for years. For them, it seems that rhetoric can morph into reality if enough people can be convinced to take extreme actions.

What’s truly ironic is that this atmosphere of hate isn’t spontaneous; it’s the culmination of a systematic attack orchestrated by a coalition of mainstream media giants, pouring in astronomical sums of money to perpetuate the left’s narrative. Outfits like CNN, MSNBC, and, of course, Politico have perfected the art of dehumanization, painting Trump not just as a political rival but as a monstrous villain. Turn on any liberal channel long enough, and the same tired tropes emerge—Trump as Hitler, a veritable enemy of democracy. Over time, low-information consumers may come to view such constant drumming as justification for taking more drastic measures against someone they perceive as a threat.

This is a dangerous game of rhetoric, one that could have dire consequences. Politico’s obsession with portraying Trump as an inevitable tyrant somehow poised to take power even in defeat isn’t just laughably wrong; it’s dangerously irresponsible. In their mind, a desperate hero rising up to save democracy from the perceived monster is a romantic notion that could entice someone to take drastic measures. This outlines a sobering conclusion: if opinion pages are willing to fuel this fire, one can only speculate what will happen next.

Among this smoke and mirrors of speculative narratives lies a blunt truth—nothing decent about responsible journalism calls for sensational lies that verge into dangerous territory. Encouraging violence against an individual, especially in the political arena, is not a harbinger of freedom but rather an abandonment of it. Politico’s narrative hinges on a dark hope for martyrdom among its sympathizers while disguising their agenda as altruism. In reality, they’ve shown their hand in a quest that is now unmistakably clear: the Left is no longer just making arguments; they are flirting with chaos.

Written by Staff Reports

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