
Poll Shows Majority Believe Biden Involved in Son’s Business DEALINGS

A recent poll conducted by Harvard’s Center for American Political Studies, Harris X and The Harris Poll revealed that approximately 58% of voters believe President Biden assisted his son, Hunter Biden, in his foreign business dealings. The poll also indicated that the majority of Republicans, at about 84%, believe the president was involved, while a smaller percentage of Democrats, at 36%, and independents, at 55%, share the same belief.

On the other hand, 64% of Democrats in the survey stated that Mr. Biden did not partake in his son’s business, while 16% of GOP respondents and 45% of independents expressed agreement. Moreover, 71% of those surveyed expressed that they consider it an impeachable offense if Mr. Biden was collaborating with his son and brother, James Biden, to secure millions of dollars from foreign entities during his tenure as vice president.

The survey also revealed that 89% of GOP respondents, 74% of independents, and 52% of Democrats share the belief that such actions would be grounds for impeachment. Additionally, a congressional inquiry into the matter has been ongoing since late last year. Although Democrats argue that tangible evidence connecting Mr. Biden to the foreign business dealings has not been found by the Republicans, the investigation has continued.

The survey, which was conducted among 1,961 registered voters, has a margin of error of around plus or minus 2 percentage points. The poll was conducted online from April 24-25, and the findings have sparked discussions and debates among various political groups.

Written by Staff Reports

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