
Polls: Americans Reject Biden’s Victim Card, Demand Accountability

The American people have spoken, and they are not buying into the Biden administration’s political narrative surrounding the House Republicans’ impeachment inquiry. In a recent poll, only 32% of Americans agree with the White House’s claim that Biden is a victim of Republican persecution. A whopping 58% believe that Biden should be held accountable under the law, just like any other president. It seems like the American people are tired of the special treatment Biden and his cronies seem to expect.

The impeachment narrative put forth by Speaker Kevin McCarthy and the Republicans has been dismissed by Democrats and their allies in the mainstream media as a baseless witch hunt. However, the Republicans have a strong case, backed by evidence such as the infamous abandoned laptop of Hunter Biden. Emails and texts from that laptop suggest that Joe Biden was directly involved in a potentially illegal influence peddling scheme. It’s hard to ignore the mounting evidence against the President.

Contrary to what many Republicans may think, impeaching Biden is not as unpopular as they might imagine. The poll reveals that 44% of Americans actually support impeaching Biden, while 47% do not. Even among independents, the issue is split 46%-45%. Moreover, a majority of Americans, including 63% of independents, believe that the Republicans’ impeachment inquiry is appropriate. It seems that the American people recognize the need for accountability and transparency in our government.

The news is not looking good for Biden. Americans have shown more sympathy towards Trump’s claim of being the target of a witch hunt. While 32% believe that Biden is being treated unfairly, 40% believe that Trump’s four indictments are unjust. Additionally, 53% think that Trump is being treated appropriately under the law. This contrasting view of the treatment of the two presidents further highlights the skepticism Americans have towards Biden’s leadership.

The poll also paints a grim picture for Democrats in general, indicating a widespread discontent with Biden’s presidency. If the election were held today, the poll suggests that Trump would defeat Biden by a 10-point margin. Furthermore, Trump’s approval rating has surged by 10 points since leaving office, with 48% of Americans approving of the job he did as president. It seems that Americans are yearning for the strong, decisive leadership that Trump provided, compared to the perceived lackluster performance we are witnessing under Biden.

Another poll conducted by YouGov found that an alarming 48% of Americans believe that Biden did something illegal in his involvement with his son. Moreover, more Americans actually approve (43%) of the impeachment inquiry than those who do not (38%). The numbers speak for themselves – Americans are not convinced by the claims of innocence and lack of evidence put forth by the White House and their media allies.

If Republicans move forward with the impeachment of Biden, it is sure to raise controversy. However, it is clear that the American people have seen through the smokescreen created by the White House and the media. They understand the need for accountability and are not buying into the narrative that Biden is a victim. It’s time for our leaders to act with integrity and uphold the rule of law. The American people deserve nothing less.

Written by Staff Reports

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