
Pope Shuns Vatican Graves, Picks Humble Resting Place

Pope Francis, the 86-year-old pontiff, is once again in the spotlight for diverging from customary practices. During a recent interview with the Mexican television station N+, the pope disclosed his wish to be interred outside the Vatican, choosing the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome over the typical resting place for popes at the Basilica of Saint Peter within the Vatican. This departure from tradition, combined with his expressed intent to simplify the prescribed rituals for a pope's death, has drawn attention and skepticism from traditionalists.

It's not solely the burial arrangements that have raised eyebrows among conservatives. Since assuming the papacy in 2013, Pope Francis has consistently departed from the traditional values upheld by his predecessors, including John Paul II and Benedict XVI. His more lenient stance on sexual morality and his decision not to reside in the opulent papal apartments have characterized his papacy with a notably liberal tone, causing consternation among conservative Catholics.

Furthermore, the pope's advancing age, approaching 87 on his upcoming birthday, has brought his health into focus. With multiple hospital stays and medical procedures in 2023 alone, including surgery for a hernia and treatment for inflammation of his intestine, it's evident that his health is on the decline. His increased reliance on a wheelchair or cane due to knee problems has also prompted speculation about the trajectory of his papacy.

During the interview, Pope Francis discussed collaboration with Vatican master of ceremonies Archbishop Diego Ravelli to revise the intricate ritual instructions for a pope's death, emphasizing his commitment to navigating his own course within the centuries-old traditions of the Catholic Church. With each deviation from tradition, Pope Francis continues to surprise both supporters and critics alike, leaving many pondering the extent to which he will challenge established boundaries as his papacy unfolds.

Written by Staff Reports

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