
Porter Blasts Age in Politics, Aims for Biden’s Weak Spot!

In the liberal stronghold of California, Democrat Rep. Katie Porter, despite her unwavering support for President Joe Biden, has dared to question the wisdom of age limits for elected officials. The audacity! In a Senate primary debate, Porter hinted that perhaps it’s time for a little chit-chat about putting an age cap on those running for office. Can you believe it? In the midst of Biden’s frequent foot-in-mouth episodes and a special counsel report suggesting his “enthusiastic senior moments,” Porter had the nerve to suggest that maybe it’s time to reconsider letting the older folks play in the political sandbox.

Now, before you start rolling your eyes, Porter did try to sweeten the pot by praising Biden’s first-term accomplishments. But her little ageist side-comment crept in, saying that maybe it’s time to mix things up with a few fresh faces in Congress. What’s wrong with a good old-fashioned senior moment, anyway? Well, apparently, Porter thinks she’s got a better grasp on who should be running the show. Bless her heart.

Not content with just stirring the age-limit pot, Porter took the opportunity to throw shade at her fellow Congressman Adam Schiff, bringing up his voting record on age limits for different branches of the government. She accused him of trying to shoehorn her out of the Senate race. My, my, the nerve of some people!

But fear not, dear readers! Republican hopeful Steve Garvey swooped in with a hands-off approach, reminding everyone that the people should have the final say at the ballot box. While he subtly expressed disappointment in Biden’s current mental state, he wisely chose not to dive too deep into the age limit debate. Well played, Garvey. Well played.

It seems the California Senate primary is shaping up to be a battle royale, with Porter and Garvey determined to take on Schiff. But, as with any good drama, the outcome remains uncertain. Who will come out on top in this political showdown? Only time will tell. But remember, folks, age is just a number, right? Or so they say. Let the games begin in the left-leaning California Democratic circus!

Written by Staff Reports

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