
Portnoy’s Ultimatum: Woke Grads Need Not Apply at Barstool!

Barstool Sports big shot Dave Portnoy ain’t holdin’ back when it comes to callin’ out them “woke” universities and their ain’t-right attitudes. Portnoy done made it clear that he ain’t fixin’ to hire no graduates from these places that are causin’ all sorts of trouble. And you know what? It’s just plain ol’ common sense, folks!

Now, these fancy universities like Harvard, the University of Pennsylvania, and MIT have been getting themselves tangled up in some serious trouble. Seems like they got pro-Hamas talk runnin’ wild on their campuses, and that’s causin’ some major uproar. People are callin’ out these university presidents for not puttin’ their foot down and condemnin’ all this hate speech. What in tarnation is goin’ on here?

Portnoy ain’t stayin’ quiet about this mess. He’s hollerin’ from the rooftops, callin’ out these so-called “leaders” for their spineless actions. He’s rightly pointin’ out that this ain’t just some regular ol’ debate about the Middle East situation. This is about callin’ for the murder of all Jews, and them school administrators ain’t doin’ a dadgum thing about it!

And get this, y’all – Portnoy ain’t bringin’ on no more of them college grads from these places. Nope, he’s puttin’ his foot down and sayin’ “not on my watch!” He’s even got some employees at Barstool Sports who got in before this whole ruckus started, and he’s lettin’ them slide. But he’s makin’ it loud and clear – if you can’t condemn genocide, you ain’t cut out for leadership, plain and simple.


Written by Staff Reports

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