
Press Sec Meltdown: Cocaine, Hunter, & Biden’s Whack-a-Mole Defense!

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre had quite the temper tantrum during Friday’s briefing. How dare a reporter have the audacity to ask a simple question about whether the bag of cocaine found on the premises belonged to anyone in the Biden family? I mean, we all know Hunter Biden’s track record with crack cocaine, but I guess that’s just a taboo topic for the liberals.

What’s truly concerning is the ever-changing narrative coming out of the White House. Jean Pierre initially claimed that White House staff was not involved in the investigation to find out who the cocaine belonged to. But then, in classic fashion, their story changed. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan mentioned that White House staff undergo regular drug tests. Oh, but don’t worry, he conveniently forgot to mention whether the testing includes the Biden family.

It’s like watching a game of political whack-a-mole. Every time someone asks a tough question, the White House scrambled to shift blame and deflect attention. This time, they’re pointing fingers at the construction workers at the White House. Are they suggesting that these hardworking individuals are responsible for the drug problem within the Biden family? Give me a break!

But let’s not forget the real issue here: Hunter Biden’s addiction. It’s a tragic situation, and one that the liberal media conveniently sweeps under the rug. Can you imagine the outrage if this were a Republican president’s child embroiled in such a scandal? The hypocrisy is truly astounding.

In the end, it’s clear that the Biden administration is more interested in protecting their own than being transparent with the American people. They can’t even keep their story straight on something as serious as a bag of cocaine found on White House grounds. It’s time for some real accountability, but don’t hold your breath.

Written by Staff Reports

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