
Pronoun Pandemonium: DHS Puts Woke Wordplay Above Border Law

An additional instance of politically correct drivel from the Department of Homeland Security is evident in a memorandum mandating Border Patrol agents to accommodate the desires of unauthorized immigrants through the use of "inclusive language" and "preferred pronouns." The memo, "Guide to Facilitating Effective Communication with Individuals who Identify as LGBTQI+," was discovered by the Oversight Project of the Heritage Foundation. It appears that the DHS has no other concern than how to handle lawbreaking migrants.

Agents are instructed to refrain from using salutations such as "Mr.," "Mrs.", "Sir," and "Ma'am" in order to prevent inadvertently causing offense to a lawbreaker in the course of their law enforcement duties. On the contrary, they are advised to refrain from employing formal pronouns "until you have further information about the individual." Consider merely carrying out your official duties by enforcing the law. An incredible concept!

Furthermore, agents are respectfully reminded in the memorandum that "transgender individuals may identify as homosexual, lesbian, heterosexual, or bisexual, among others." DHS, I appreciate the enlightening details provided. In the meantime, the Heritage Foundation discovered a comparable pronoun initiative at the Department of Health and Human Services, where "misgendering" coworkers allegedly resulted in termination of employment. True, that is correct; failure to participate in this absurd ruse may result in termination of employment.

The preposterous policies in question were unequivocally denounced by Roger Servino, representing the Heritage Foundation. He claimed that both HHS and the federal government are pressuring employees to "speak falsehoods." He attributes this insanity to two Biden executive orders, attributing its inception to the desire to combat "gender discrimination" based on "gender identity." It appears that using individuals' biological sexes to address them is currently regarded as discriminatory. What a marvelous universe we inhabit!

Furthermore, to add to the absurdity, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management states in a memorandum that "using correct names and pronouns helps foster workplaces free from harassment and discrimination." What a farce! It is almost as if granting unlawful immigrants a pass is not discriminatory in the least. Mandatory sensitivity training for Border Patrol agents is the next step. Oh, wait, that is likely in the works already.

As opposed to prioritizing border security and immigration law enforcement, the Biden administration and its agencies are preoccupied with advancing this "woke agenda" and appeasing the sentiments of unauthorized immigrants. It is time to stop this insanity and return to placing the safety and security of our nation first.

Written by Staff Reports

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