
Psaki Accidentally Delivers Winning Ad Material for Trump & GOP!

After leaving the Biden administration, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki managed to snag herself a gig on MSNBC. It’s like a never-ending cycle of liberals jumping from the media to Democratic administrations and vice versa. No wonder the liberal media is so, well, liberal!


Naturally, Psaki’s show on MSNBC is filled with her own biased views. I mean, that’s probably why they hired her in the first place. She fits right in with their agenda of demonizing anyone who doesn’t fall in line with their leftist ideas. During a recent episode, Psaki took it upon herself to defend Joe Biden, who is really struggling in the polls. The NY Times/Sienna poll showed him losing in most swing states, and even Beto O’Rourke admitted Biden was “really failing” us. The Democrats are panicking, so Psaki tried her best to come to Biden’s rescue.

But here’s the funny part: Psaki actually tried to chastise Democrats for criticizing Biden. She warned them about the “horrible alternative” of a second term for Donald Trump. According to her, Trump would prosecute his enemies, send troops after protesters, and basically destroy the rule of law. Oh, the irony! Psaki conveniently forgot to mention that it’s the Biden administration and their Democratic allies who are targeting and unfairly prosecuting people from January 6, parents who protest at school boards, and pro-life activists. And let’s not forget how Biden has been turning a blind eye to the rule of law at the border and when it comes to issues like student debt. But, you know, Biden just occasionally trips over things, so it’s all good, right?

Psaki seems to be oblivious to the fact that Trump hasn’t actually done any of the things she accuses him of. The truth is, they’re scared of how well Trump is doing in the polls, despite all their efforts to smear him. I guess the truth hurts, huh?

Written by Staff Reports

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