
Putin Pouts Post Carlson Chat, Expects Softballs!

Russian President Vladimir Putin recently threw a temper tantrum over his interview with Tucker Carlson, claiming that he did not get “full satisfaction” from the viral exchange. This was Putin’s first interview with a U.S.-based journalist since the start of the war in Ukraine, and it seems like he was not too happy with how it turned out.

According to reports, Putin felt that Carlson did not act aggressively enough and failed to ask what he referred to as “so-called sharp questions.” He whined about not getting the opportunity to respond in the way he wanted, clearly expecting a fiery debate that never materialized.

The Kremlin even chimed in, expressing surprise at Carlson’s patience and the opportunity Putin had to speak uninterrupted. It’s quite telling that the Russian president was caught off guard by a journalist actually doing their job and not trying to paint him in a favorable light.

During the interview, Putin revealed his unwavering determination to win the war in Ukraine and Russia’s increasing reliance on China. It’s no wonder Putin is throwing a fit – he probably didn’t want all of that information making its way to the American public.

Of course, there’s been pushback against Carlson for the interview, with former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson calling it “ludicrous” and Carlson a “traitor to journalism.” Even the White House has spoken out against the interview, which just goes to show how much it ruffled the feathers of the liberal elite.

It’s clear that Putin’s dissatisfaction stems from the fact that he didn’t get the kid glove treatment he expected from a U.S. journalist. Maybe next time he should stick to state-run media if he wants a softball interview.

Written by Staff Reports

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