
Putin Unimpressed: Wished Tucker Grilled Him Harder

In a recent interview, Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his disappointment with conservative commentator Tucker Carlson, sharing that he had hoped for more aggressive and tough questions during their conversation. The Russian leader admitted that he was unprepared for the lack of pointed inquiries from Carlson, and felt that the interview would have been more specific and engaging if Carlson had taken a different approach.

Putin also revealed that he had expected Carlson to interrupt him more often, particularly when discussing Russia’s history. The Russian president admitted to feeling at a loss, as Carlson’s patience and willingness to listen to lengthy responses about history caught him off guard. He had been prepared for a different dynamic during the interview and was left wanting for the opportunity to engage with tougher questioning.

Furthermore, Putin emphasized his decision to agree to the interview, pointing out that Carlson’s approach represented a departure from the “one-sided” reporting of the Ukraine conflict by many Western news outlets. His decision to engage with the conservative commentator was a reflection of his dissatisfaction with the prevailing narrative in Western media.

In addition, Putin asserted that a second term for President Joe Biden in 2024 would be more favorable for Russia compared to the possibility of former President Trump returning to the White House. He described Biden as more experienced and predictable, expressing a willingness to work with any U.S. president who garners the confidence of the American people.

Overall, Putin’s frustration with the interview’s lack of aggression and tough questioning from conservative commentator Tucker Carlson underscores his desire for a more challenging and specific dialogue, while also showcasing his preference for President Biden over former President Trump.

Written by Staff Reports

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