
Putin’s Dangerous Game: Tapping Iran, North Korea for Drones?

In a recent speech, President Joe Biden made a bold claim about Russian President Vladimir Putin. According to Biden, Putin is using drones and ammunition from Iran and North Korea to terrorize Ukrainian cities and people. Now, you might be thinking, “Is this just another wild accusation from Biden?” Well, it turns out, this claim is actually true.

Multiple media outlets and think tanks have documented how Iran has sent drones and ammunition to Russia. Russia has purchased Iranian drones, specifically the Shahed-136, and used them to target Ukrainian cities, military bases, and even energy infrastructure. CNN reported that these Iranian drones were powered by stolen western technology. The Washington Post also revealed that Russia and Iran are working together to build a whopping 6,000 attack drones. However, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi denies that Iran has sent drones to Russia. Well, Mr. Raisi, the evidence seems to suggest otherwise.

The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) has collected debris from attacks in Ukraine and the Middle East that proves Iran’s support to Russia. In fact, the DIA wrote in an August 2023 update that “Iran provided Russia with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to sustain Moscow’s ability to attack Ukraine.” And it doesn’t stop there. Reports suggest that trade between North Korea and Russia in terms of drones has been happening since September 2022. Russia has sold North Korea drones as recently as September 2023. So, it seems that when it comes to drones and ammunition, Putin is leaving no stone unturned.

Now, some experts point out that while it is clear that Iran has been supplying drones to Russia, there is less consensus on what exactly North Korea is providing. Artillery seems to be the main focus here. Michael O’Hanlon, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, explains that “consensus is less clear, I think, on what North Korea may have shipped, but the working hypothesis seems to center on artillery.” So, while the extent of North Korea’s involvement may not be crystal clear, it seems they are not entirely innocent in this matter.

President Biden’s claim about Putin using drones and ammunition from Iran and North Korea is indeed true. The evidence from various sources, including media outlets and think tanks, supports this assertion. From Iranian drones targeting Ukrainian cities to Russia and Iran’s collaboration in building thousands of attack drones, it is clear that Putin is exploring all possible avenues to assert his power. Whether North Korea’s involvement goes beyond artillery remains to be seen, but it’s safe to say that Putin is not playing around when it comes to his military tactics.

Written by Staff Reports

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