
QAnon Shaman Chansley Storms 2024 Congressional Race!

Jacob Chansley, also known as the “QAnon Shaman”, has decided to take his unique fashion sense and questionable decision-making skills into the political arena. That’s right folks, Chansley, the man who made headlines for storming the Capitol in his iconic patriotic face paint, animal fur, and horns, has filed paperwork to run as a libertarian in Arizona’s 8th Congressional District.

Now, I don’t know about you, but when I think of the ideal candidate for Congress, a guy who participates in an armed insurrection probably isn’t the first person that comes to mind. But hey, maybe in Chansley’s world, that’s the kind of leadership they’re looking for.

In case you forgot, Chansley pleaded guilty to obstructing an official proceeding during the Capitol riot and was sentenced to 41 months in prison. But don’t worry, he’s out now and ready to fight for… well, I’m not quite sure what he’s fighting for. Maybe it’s the right to wear fur and horns in Congress?

It’s worth noting that Arizona law does prevent felons from voting until they’ve completed their sentence, but apparently, there’s nothing stopping them from running for office. So, in theory, we could have a convicted felon roaming the halls of Congress. What a time to be alive.

All jokes aside, it’s concerning that someone with such a history of violence and disregard for the rule of law would even consider running for office. But hey, stranger things have happened in the world of politics. Let’s just hope the voters in Arizona’s 8th District have better judgment than Chansley himself.

Written by Staff Reports

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