
Quinnipiac Poll Shows Trump Edging Harris by One Point with Election Looming

A recent Quinnipiac Poll, renowned for leaning left, reveals that Donald Trump has managed to grab a one-point lead over Vice President Kamala Harris among likely voters. This surge, though slight and technically within the margin of error, marks a two-point swing in the former president’s favor since late August. It seems debates and campaign strategies are having an impact, even if the left prefers to think otherwise.

Currently, with 41 days remaining until the election, the Quinnipiac Poll indicates Trump holding steady at 48 percent support, while Harris lags closely behind at 47 percent. Meanwhile, the lesser-known candidates, Jill Stein of the Green Party and Chase Oliver from the Libertarian Party, only manage to scrape together a measly 1 percent each. Back in August, post-Democratic National Convention, Harris had a slightly better showing at 49 percent, demonstrating that not all post-convention bounces are created equal.

In a head-to-head matchup stripped of the third-party distractions, Trump and Harris are tied at 48 percent, but the real story lies beneath the numbers. Enthusiasm for Harris among Democrats has noticeably waned from a robust 75 percent to a mere 70 percent. On the flip side, Republican enthusiasm for Trump is inching up, now sitting at 71 percent, suggesting a reinvigorated base ready to rally behind the former president. 


One striking fact emerges from this poll data: a significant portion of voters, about two-thirds, express eagerness for Trump and Harris to face off in another debate. This level of interest underscores a desire for direct confrontation on the issues, as opposed to the usual scripted performances typical of current political spectacle.

Quinnipiac is now the first national poll to show Trump leading since the Rasmussen Reports poll in mid-September, which indicates a shift in the political winds. Many other polls have either shown Harris with a slight edge or ending in a statistical tie, but the apparent momentum for Trump is hard to ignore. If this trend continues, the final weeks before the election may yield some surprising twists in electoral dynamics—especially for those willing to back a proven alternative to the current administration’s approach.

Written by Staff Reports

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