
Ramaswamy Promises Pardon for Trump! Exposes DOJ Witch Hunt on CNN

Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has taken a bold stance by declaring that if elected president, he would pardon Donald J. Trump. Ramaswamy firmly believes that the Department of Justice’s case against Trump is nothing more than a clear example of political maneuvering. Well, he’s not wrong! The left-wing media and their allies in the DOJ have been on a witch hunt against Trump since day one.

Ramaswamy made these remarks during an interview with CNN, a left-wing network that is notorious for its biased coverage. It’s refreshing to see someone brave enough to speak the truth on such a heavily liberal platform. You go, Vivek!

The reason behind Ramaswamy’s proposed pardon is simple – he wants our country to move forward as one united nation instead of descending into chaos and division. Can you blame him? The left has been trying to tear this country apart with their constant attacks on Trump and his supporters. It’s time to put an end to the madness and focus on what really matters – making America great again!

During the interview, Ramaswamy was asked about the new obstruction charge added by Special Counsel Jack Smith, who seems to be grasping at straws to find anything to nail Trump with. This charge alleges that Trump instructed an aide to delete footage at Mar-a-Lago. But let’s be real here, folks. Trump would never do such a thing. These baseless allegations are just another desperate attempt to bring down a great leader.

Ramaswamy firmly stood his ground, stating that as our next president, he would do what is right for the United States of America. And in his eyes, that means pardoning Trump. He rightly pointed out that the Justice Department should not be convicting someone of a process crime when there is no underlying crime. It’s common sense, really. But unfortunately, common sense seems to be in short supply these days.

Even Trump himself took to his new social media platform, Truth Social, to deny these absurd allegations. He made it crystal clear that the Mar-a-Lago security tapes were never deleted and were voluntarily handed over. He even called out Jack Smith for his prosecutorial fiction and misconduct. Well said, Mr. President!

Independent journalist Julie Kelly also chimed in, highlighting the weak nature of Smith’s allegations. It’s all hearsay, with no concrete evidence to back it up. Kelly’s observations suggest that there was never any footage deleted, and the notion of a conspiracy is simply laughable. It’s about time someone had the guts to expose the truth!

In conclusion, Vivek Ramaswamy’s promise to pardon Trump if elected president is a breath of fresh air in our increasingly politically biased climate. It’s high time we put an end to the unjust persecution of Trump and focus on moving our country forward. Ramaswamy understands that if there’s no underlying crime, there should be no obstruction charges. It’s as simple as that, folks. Let’s support a leader who values truth, justice, and the American way.

Written by Staff Reports

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