
Rand Paul Exposes Fauci’s Dark Secrets in New Book: Deception Unveiled!

Rand Paul is one busy senator, and he’s not letting up anytime soon. In fact, he’s gearing up to release a book called Deception: The Great Covid Cover-Up. In a recent interview, he gave a sneak peek into what we can expect from his upcoming publication. He claims that Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, was conspiring with other virologists to cover up the origins of Covid-19 from day one, as he knew he had been a leading advocate for gain-of-function research for over a decade. Fauci, the chief architect of funding the lab in Wuhan, knew that if the virus leak came from there, the guilt would attach to his horrific decision to fund the lab. Despite denying the funding of the risky research, Fauci has been caught out lying to Senator Rand Paul on multiple occasions in Congress hearings.

It’s no doubt that Sen. Paul will have loads of exciting themes to include in his book, but RedState’s Scott Hounsell has been at the forefront of many of the issues already. In particular, he’s written several articles slamming Fauci’s deceptive practices, including Fauci Just Can’t Stop Lying to Rand Paul and to the Rest of Us. Hounsell even suspects that Sen. Paul is planning to highlight much of the same in his book.

While not everyone may understand the scientific jargon around gain-of-function research, it’s clear that Fauci has been less than transparent about the pandemic’s origins. The federal government, along with Fauci, actively encouraged the suppression of discussing dissenting scientific opinions. It’s genuinely shocking that a field built upon the concept of seeking the truth would have such dangerous censorship tactics. Hence, in light of mainstream media censorship of such opinions, people are urged to join the conservative network’s VIP program behind a paywall to gain access to less filtered content.

It’s clear that Sen. Paul’s upcoming book will shed light on the underhanded acts of the government in their response to the pandemic. In his book, he’s likely to discuss how the government blunders contributed to the pandemic and China’s role. Nonetheless, there is no doubt that it will raise eyebrows. Regnery Publishing, a subsidiary of Salem Media Group, which is RedState’s parent company, will publish the book. Readers can preorder the book ahead of its release later this year.

Written by Staff Reports

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